Wild Hearts Retreat: Galentine’s Day in Montana!
Spent Galentine’s in Gallatin Valley with me!
Why Travel With Shallon?
Aside from Nutella and Division 1 lacrosse players, there’s almost nothing in this world I love more than traveling. I am my absolute best self on a trip: curious, activated, brave, free, and just…outside of myself and the expectations of life.
I belong to ME, the best parts of me. I always come home from a trip, even if it’s just for a weekend, so incredibly proud of myself.
Vacays have so many challenges—from navigating an airport to identifying that painting in the Louvre, or ordering your coffee perfectly in Spanish after practicing on the plane—trips are a reminder that you can still surprise yourself and that whoever you are back home isn’t all there is.
To even want to travel is such an incredible thing. TBH, most people don’t. I mean, they dream, they sigh as they drink from their KISS ME I’M IRISH mug, but they’re never going to actually go. They may even have that Pintrest board of Paris but at the end of the day, nah.
Most people are dreamers.
We are doers.
Here’s the problem: um most people are dreamers. That means that they’re actually never going to take that girl’s trip off the group chat. Or if they do, they’ll make it such a god damned headache to plan, you won’t even be excited. Or dates won’t line up, things come up, blah blah blah.
As an adult, the chances of finding friends who 1) want to go where you do 2) when you want 3) with the same vibes 4) and price point…damn near impossible.
Plus, outside of bachelorette parties and weddings (because girls are only allowed to congregate when celebrating getting picked by a man 🫠 yay love that for us), traveling with girlfriends just isn’t something women feel like they have permission to do.
I know, because that’s my situation with my own friends. So what’s the alternative, stay home? Miss out on all the world has to offer because, uh, my BFF’s son Braxytn has T-ball practice?
I’m letting someone else’s life stop me from living mine?!
So, since my friends didn’t want to travel as much or in the same ways that I did, I decided to just host my own.
If I can’t find the perfect girls trip, I’ll create one. And I have 🙂
In three years I have hosted 10 trips all over the world, from Mexico to Costa Rica to Paris to Rome, and lots in between.
The sights and history and beaches have been amazing but by far, BY FAR, the real takeaways are the friendships. Not only do you girls come and bond so hard with each other literally from day 1, but I bond with you too. These getaways feed my soul right along with yours. That’s why I’m so passionate about planning them to perfection and giving you an experience you legit will not find anywhere else.
So sure, you can plan your own. Save a few bucks. But you won’t have my expertise on these locations, and access to a ready-made crew of alpha besties waiting for you upon arrival.
At the start of every trip I ask the girls, “What made you want to come?” and overwhelmingly, the answer is: “I wanted something for ME so I just said fuck it!”
So honey, FUCK IT.
You deserve to live the life you’ve imagined. And my trips make it easier than you ever dreamed. Just pack your bags and show up. You’re not stressing over reservations, Ubers, tickets, any of that. I’ve got you.
All an alpha female really wants is to be able to just breathe for a minute, to cruise and to let someone else take the lead.
And on my trips, that’s exactly what you’ll get. It’s time to kick back, relax and great wild world with 14 new BFFs at your side!